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6 Ways You Can Show True Leadership During a Crisis

Updated: Jun 30, 2020

Read the Original Article here: Amy George from A crisis like the current coronavirus pandemic is a time when you can show up as a leader and exhibit your company's values. It's all in how you communicate. Companies that handle crisis communications well aren't afraid to communicate regularly with their internal and external audiences. They might not like what they have to say, but they have the confidence to say and do the right things. Here are six ways to be a leader in crisis communications. • Be Transparent. Be open about the problem and what you’re doing to fix it. Acknowledge long wait times, apologize, and say you don’t know the answers but you’ll find out an update staff and customers. • Communicate Frequently Make sure everyone on your team is on the same page. In times of crisis, being in constant communication with your audience is vital. Management, Staff, and customers all require different information and they need to hear from you what that is. • Get Ahead of the Issue. Act now before it’s out of your control. Don’t wait until you have to react to a situation. If you have to pay fines, close operations, lay off staff, or do anything you don’t want to do, make a plan to communicate that on your timeline. Act swiftly and boldly and let your audience know why such action is required. • Bring Perspective. Be empathetic to your customers. Put the crisis in perspective. If you run a fitness center and you have to close for public health reasons, acknowledge to your members that their health is your top priority and that you’ll get them back in shape when you reopen. • Provide Solutions. Be creative in thinking of ways to resolve problems. Many things can be done with the use of technology and the internet. Fitness centers, for example can offer members classes via YouTube. • Let People Know How You Care For Your Own People. Communicate new measures you have put in place. Customers want to know how companies are caring for their own employees. Are hours cut? Did you provide grief counseling? Let the people know how you’re showing up for your people.

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