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Tis' the Season for Employer HR Best Practices

HR Tips for Work Holiday Parties

The Holidays have arrived, and we want to remind employers that the same rules that are applied in the office are just as important at a work event, holiday party, or work-hosted function.

¨ When it comes to serving alcohol it’s best practice to remind your employee’s that it is a narrow exception of the Drug and Alcohol Policy, one way to lower the risk of overconsumption would be to hand out drink tickets or serving food and water along with the alcohol.

¨ When it comes to decorations or gift exchanges, try not to stick to just one theme or religion, there are many winter holiday celebrations and we don’t wany anyone feeling excluded for their religious beliefs. If you decide to hold a gift exchange make sure your employee’s are mindful not to get something that is inappropriate for work.

Holiday Pay, Time Off, and Other California Employment Issues During the Holidays...

As we enter the Holiday Season, it is a good time to review employer’s obligations to accommodate requests for time off for holidays and best pay practices during the Holiday Season. Below are 5 reminders for employers about holiday leaves and pay.

1. California Employers are not required to provide employees time off for the Holidays

2. California Employers are not required to pay additional wages if employee’s work on Holidays

3. Employers must provide reasonable accommodation for employee’s who cannot work on certain Holidays due to religious observances

4. If an employer pas for time off during Holidays, the employer does not have to allow employees to accrue Holiday paid time off

5. If a pay day falls on a curtain holidays, and the employer is closed, the employer ma process payroll on the next business day

As always we are here to assist or 1.833 347.6476 (FIRMHRO)

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